Friday, October 11, 2019

Genetically Modified Foods Essay

As the old saying goes, â€Å"An apple a day keeps the doctor away†, but does it really mean what it used to? People are taking great risks by consuming genetically modified foods. Genetically modified crops, foods etc. are made when scientist combine genes from different organisms to get desired traits in a certain organism. Scientist uses this in fruits and vegetables to help make them more nutritious or help with insect resistance. Some of the first GM foods were corn, cotton, soybean, canola and alfalfa. In the last two decades there has been a spike in the cultivation of transgenic crops. Since the very first GM food marketed (a tomato that wouldn’t go so soft as quickly) it has continuously gone up. There are two main types of GMOs ones that are herbicide tolerant and others that are resistant to devastating insect. Herbicide tolerant GMOs can be sprayed with herbicides that kill weeds but not the genetically modified crops. This was developed by the company Monsanto. The second type of GM crop is resistant to devastating insects which is made by a bacterial gene which makes able to resist against certain insects. An example is corn BT which is able to resist the corn borer. Most Farmers who use these GM crops do it because they can make more money or it would ease their work load. Are GM crops and food going to help the world or hinder it? One of the leading arguments is that this will produce more food and thus feed the planet. Another advantage is that you can use less herbicides and pesticides which are then less harmful to the environment. It seems like that is the case but farmers are still spraying large amount of herbicides and pesticides and it somewhat contradicts the reasons for GM crops. What do these GM Crops do to our Environment and our health? Many questions arise about this and not even about the risks on the table but if it’s right morally. There great risks that where putting on the table like the safety of our children. We are being treated like experimental animals and these large companies are waiting to see what happens. In the US, about two dozen farmers reported thousands of pigs became sterile after consuming certain GM corn varieties. Some had false pregnancies; others gave birth to bags of water. Cows and bulls also became infertile when fed the same corn. In the US population, the incidence of low birth weight babies, infertility, and infant mortality are all escalating. Transgenic crops do help us in some ways, but is it doing more harm than good? They could help us stop world hunger but at what cost? Are you willing to put your children and their children at risk just for a quick buck? These are question you to need to answer choose a sid hopefully the right one.

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